

The following family trees are a combined collection from three families plus a  researcher in Europe, Rudolf Laszlo, who sent photos and recorded old Church records of Zickydorf. Also my data from Stefan Stader's book on imigration. The contributers of this record are: Adam Hochban in Germany, Ken Hochban in Canada, and Joeseph Birg in USA.

Original Ancestor - Johann-Peter Hochban (Hochbein) (1703) - Obernheim
Direct Ancestor - Adam Hochban  (1749 - 1826)

The 6-Chart links below are Zichydorf Church records of our families: Hochban--Nieszner--Unger--Faul. 






The two links below open ancestor pages: Adam Hochban, 1779, is our Direct Ancestor line while his brother Peter Hochban, 1777, yields what I have called "Inter-Relative" pages. Use "Back" when necessary.
Adam 1779       Peter 1777

With help, we trace back to Johann-Peter Hochbein or Hochban, born abt, 1703 in Obernheim, Pfalz, Germany. He married 28 Sep 1728 to Maria Barbara Kindl, had eight children all born in Obernheim, where Adam 1749-50, is our direct ancestor.

Five Hochban brothers Johannes 1732, Anton 1734, Balthasar 1741, Christian 1744, and Adam 1749, migrated to Austria and registered at Vienna, May 1765 as " Hochbein names, from Sickingen, from the Roman Reich". They eventually settled in the village of Kozma, about 60 km west of Budapest. Close by a larger village Boglar, now called Vertesboglar, was also an immigrants stopover. Some Germans from these towns later migrated to Zichydorf including Adam Hochban (1749) 

Note: Sickingen was the name of the German Knight and family who controlled the region around Landstuhl, Pfalz, living in the Nanstein castle. 

Its safe to assume that,  Adam Hochban, 17 years younger than brother Johann, also migrated with brothers from Obernheim, arriving in Kozma now called Verteskozma in 1765.  Around 1785-88 Adam moved his family to Zichydorf and died there on 08 Dec 1826. * Stader's list of immigrants to Banat, Book III above. 

Adam married three times:  m#1-- Anna Margaretha Klein, (age 19), 26 Apr 1774 in Kozma.
                                        m#2-- Susanna Just, 23 Jan 1810 in Zichydorf
                                        m#3-- Eva Ulrich, 24 Nov 1812 in Zichydorf

Adam had 11 children, by Anna Margaretha Klein, with 5 surviving past childhood. Four survivors were born in Kosma, and Anna Maria born in Zickydorf

Elisabeth 31 May 1775; Peter 08 Sep 1777; Adam 30 Dec 1779;  Katharina 1784; Anna Maria 1790.

A word about family names. Some old baptism and civil records give diverse name variations usually the result of misreading the original name or recording in different languages. Within a given family unit, (father--son--uncle) we see records showing different name spellings. For example, there is evidence that the original name was spelled "Hochbein" but was also found to be spelled "Hochbann"  by researcher Rudolf Laszlo. Even here the Hochbann name had the last two "n n" recorded differently as Hochbaun--Hochbaum--Hochbahn--Hochban--and again Hochbein --etc.

Example: the marriage document above written by the same individual in 1797-98 has two spelling versions of the same individual, Hochbaun then Hochbein

The name eventually remained "Hochban" with one "n" which is the name this family has always used. Consequently the name "Hochban" is our usage. Later in Canada, some relatives chose to use the name Hohban even though their birth certificates show Hochban. This shorter form carried to their children.